Grab a cup of tea, this Moonletter is a big one!
Friday, the full moon will be upon us, along with eclipse season. Last night was the Night of Hekate. The descent of Scorpio season is in full swing. This all can leave us feeling a bit whirling and unsteady. It’s big work, the descent into the shadows and adjusting to the shorter days, even if you aren’t actively working on it– this time of year is always an adjustment.
This morning, for all of you, I meditated on what we needed for this Moonletter.

Flashes of the red clover I’ve been seeing on my walks kept coming to mind. Somehow it’s still holding on and blooming, despite the frosts and cold sweeps we've been having here where I live in Canada.
Red clover alone was an interesting image, this supportive and encouraging plant promises our success and offers love and protection.
Pulling a card from the Likely Tarot for the collective - I’m laughing - as the Empress showed up for support. Red clover is the primary correspondence on this card. It seems the message is clear.
For this moon, this upcoming phase, take time to care for and nurture yourself, friends. No matter what life is bubbling up for you - give yourself the gracious space that the Empress has to offer. This card asks you to tap into the spirit of pure love and abundance and to check-in with yourself.
Asking, “how can I best nurture myself?” is required now.
Here’s a simple supportive tea recipe in the spirit of the message. You might notice it in the photo as well.
Empress Support Tea Recipe
2 tsp dried red clover
1 tsp dried mint
1 tsp lemon balm
2-3 cups water.
Steep in boiling water for 10 minutes.
Add honey to taste (if needed)
Drink this tea whenever you feel you could use some nurturing support.
Perhaps also asking how you might nurture yourself.
If you want to dive deeper into the Astrology side of this moon, definitely check out Anthony's Full Moon Eclipse Miniscopes
Here's a peek at a spread from the Complete Spread Book for you to enjoy!
The Complete book is 81 pages and over 40 spreads to take you through the full journey of crafting your tale with the Likely Tarot. If you grabbed a copy and have tried it out, I'd love to hear your thoughts! You can also grab a copy here, if you haven't already.
Kickstarter & Deck Updates:
First, thank you to everyone who supported the Kickstarter and Pre-Ordered a deck! If you haven’t ordered one yet - I’m happy to announce that I’ll be keeping the sale and discount running until the end of the year. You should have a discount code for anything on the site in the email! A token of appreciation rippling out to everyone for the support.
Happy to share that the pre-orders and Kickstarter rewards are all ready to go to their homes! Some have already started to arrive, and the last wave is waiting for the sweet (though slightly cranky) Postman to pick up today!
This is my first time taking on a project this size, and lots has been learned along the way. After packing up nearly all the orders I noticed an error in the deck. My heart definitely dropped to the floor. But after a moment of thinking about it - in some ways, it’s also perfect.
In creating the deck, the use of animals was a perfect opportunity to stretch gender representation in the imagery - and still honour the divine masculine and feminine spirits. So while the cards are still titled with King/Queen/Emperor/Empress etc - they are all ‘they.’
The error?
The suit of Swords is labeled with two Queens. Hilariously, this is also my Astro-suit, being a Libra Sun…(perhaps in the 11th hour my subconscious decided the deck needed one dash of the feminine in it). In my panic upon realizing it, I turned to a few friends, and all of them asked what the Elephant was supposed to be. This just underscores my intent though.
It’s the Magpie that was supposed to be the King!
Which is also to say - the art is different, I just Bob Ross’d the title.
I’ve spoken with the printer and combed through the files, and indeed, it was my error. Somewhere over the 81 design files and multiple books, I suppose a mistake was bound to happen!
So the first edition of the Likely Tarot has a little quirk, making it just a bit more special, don’t you think?
I’m working on a print run with just the corrected card, but this will take some time, and the very last of the money raised for the project. This will allow me to correct the remaining decks for future orders, and for those of you whose decks have already shipped, I’ll be able to offer the option of getting the corrected card mailed to you.
For those of you that would like to have the replacement card mailed to you, there will be a small cost associated with it, as shipping rates have surged in the last few months. Due to the limited funds that are available, this is my only option right now. As much as I would like to avoid this I, unfortunately, cannot as a self-employed indie deck creator. The current quotes to ship the card would be $5 to $15 CAD
If your deck has already shipped and you are interested in a replacement once they are available, you can submit the contact form on the website here.
I might just have to take a cue from the Empress this weekend and rest - this journey has been a marathon. A marathon of absolute love.
Thank you all for the support and encouragement along the way.
Can’t wait to see the decks make it to their homes - the messages coming through already are filling my heart with complete joy. ( If you post on social use the hashtag #likelytarot to I can find and share! )
I AM IN LOVE with the mis print it makes this deck so much more unique. I told Kate that as a collector this makes a deck so much more rare and exciting to collect. So I am super happy I’m a part of the mis print 😍💜 I will be ordering the correct whole deck again so I have both the mis print and the “correct deck” 💯😍
My mis print arrived today and I am utterly in love with everything about it. From the packaging to the lovely strong beautiful box the cards are in… And then the art work.. Og my the art work. 👌🏾😍 I love the use of animals and symbols it really stimulates my mind and intuition. We love you girl your amazing 😘💜☺️
I absolutely love the double Queens! Incredibly special, queer, wonderful 😄 I’m super looking forward to receiving my deck, and this just makes me more excited. Thank you for sharing your art and words with us, and I hope you do get some rest!!