Updates & Important Notes

Respecting the safety practices required to protect us both, means for the the time being, I'll be printing, packing and shipping once weekly. 

Print cut-off will be Saturdays at Midnight ADT (GMT -4) Drop off to the shipping centre will happen on Mondays.   

If you miss the cut-off, it just means I'll be shipping your order the following week.  Though, I will up the volume when needed. 

I'll be sanitizing the work space and wearing a mask for the whole print and package process. (I can also happily report that there are no active cases of covid-19 in my city, and very few in my province - so the risk is very low, but I'm still putting your safety first)

All orders are shipped with Canada Post at the service level that you've selected.  They are currently experiencing some delays, but it's getting better every day. 

I'm excited as you are to get the prints into your hands, so I appreciate your patience and understanding!  I'll will get your orders to you as quick as I can!

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out on the contact page or email store@likelytale.com . 🖤


With love, Likely Tale - Woodstone Cres, Moncton NB, Canada